Darbar Sahib Hukamnama

September 9, 2024

somvwr, 25 BwdoN (sMmq 556 nwnkSwhI)

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ]

bilaaval mehalaa 5 |

Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:

bMDn kwtY so pRBU jw kY kl hwQ ]

bandhan kaattai so prabhoo jaa kai kal haath |

God breaks the bonds which hold us; He holds all power in His hands.

Avr krm nhI CUtIAY rwKhu hir nwQ ]1]

avar karam nehee shootteeai raakhahu har naath |1|

No other actions will bring release; save me, O my Lord and Master.||1||

qau srxwgiq mwDvy pUrn dieAwl ]

tho saranaagath maadhavae pooran dhaeiaal |

I have entered Your Sanctuary, O Perfect Lord of Mercy.

CUit jwie sMswr qy rwKY gopwl ]1] rhwau ]

shoott jaae sansaar thae raakhai gopaal |1| rehaao |

Those whom You preserve and protect, O Lord of the Universe, are saved from the trap of the world.||1||Pause||

Awsw Brm ibkwr moh ien mih loBwnw ]

aasaa bharam bikaar moh ein mehi lobhaanaa |

Hope, doubt, corruption and emotional attachment - in these, he is engrossed.

JUTu smgRI min vsI pwrbRhmu n jwnw ]2]

jhooth samagree man vasee paarabreham n jaanaa |2|

The false material world abides in his mind, and he does not understand the Supreme Lord God.||2||

prm joiq pUrn purK siB jIA qum@wry ]

param joth pooran purakh sabh jeea thumaarae |

O Perfect Lord of Supreme Light, all beings belong to You.

ijau qU rwKih iqau rhw pRB Agm Apwry ]3]

jio thoo raakhehi thio rehaa prabh agam apaarae |3|

As You keep us, we live, O infinite, inaccessible God.||3||

krx kwrx smrQ pRB dyih Apnw nwau ]

karan kaaran samarath prabh dhaehi apanaa naao |

Cause of causes, All-powerful Lord God, please bless me with Your Name.

nwnk qrIAY swDsMig hir hir gux gwau ]4]27]57]

naanak thareeai saadhasang har har gun gaao |4|27|57|

Nanak is carried across in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, Har, Har.||4||27||57||

Via SikhNet